Let’s Get This Started

Alright, before we start, let me warn you of something.  I am NOT a big blogger.  I’ve never done it before, but it has always been something that I was interested in.  Having this assignment will hopefully be a gateway into my blogging career.  After the semester ends, I want to continue blogging for myself.  I feel like getting my thoughts, ideas, and stories published on the internet will give me some sense of accomplishment or fulfillment (and maybe make me seem funnier than I actually am).  You’ll have to be patient with me as I find my way through WordPress.  I guarantee that by the end of the semester, my blog will be all jazzed up with images, gifs, and all that fun stuff.

This has been one of the most stressful weeks of my life, all thanks to one thing: Sorority Recruitment.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love my chapter with all of my heart.  The thing that is stressing me out to the max is having to sing in front of a room full of people who I don’t know.  I like to consider myself a pretty good singer…that is when I’m in the shower, alone, and no one can hear me.  Somehow I got suckered into this and tonight is the big night.  I’m fine with singing in a group.  That part is totally okay with me.  It is the fact that for one song, I have to sing completely alone without any background music.  I know I have the full support of my sisters, and even if I mess up they will still be proud of me.  I just don’t want to disappoint any one of them by messing up.  I’m already getting nervous about it and I don’t have to do it for another 6 hours.

Heres hoping I don’t puke on the floor!